The practicality that we require of our lives as small business owners shows up in our work. It’s not a job to us – it’s who we are and we’ve been applying it to our work since 2005.
NewOver for Business
Our design and development work is carefully edited and practical as we understand the importance of it’s usage on the web and in-hand as printed materials. After all the excess is stripped away, we add only what enhances what is already at work.
NewOver for Home
Our decluttering work is intense and methodical. We understand that every space we encounter is different. After the clutter is cleared, we add back in only what is useful and beautiful.

Home Testimonials
With friendly and supportive assistance, I’ve made mental and physical space in my life so I can spend more time doing the things I love and less time feeling guilty for not having my shit together (can I swear in a testimonial?). I got really excited when I realized that with room in my office closet, I can keep my vacuum cleaner in there and not just leave it out like another piece of furniture. A New Over for your home is the best kind of self-care I can imagine.”
I couldn’t have made this change without Cassie; her methodology, her positive attitude, her excitement, her support. Her obsession for simplicity is contagious. With every closet I got more addicted. I found my self looking forward to getting home from work so I could go ditch more crap. It felt freeing. Now I am just surrounded by the things that I love and need. They are organized in a system that makes sense and is easy to maintain. I used to dread putting laundry away and it was a huge point of contention in our marriage. Now that everything has a place to go, laundry doesn’t weigh me down. I don’t buy anything without knowing exactly where it is going to go when I bring it home. Eliminating the clutter surrounding me freed up brain space to focus on more important things. It’s easier to see the big picture and to tackle home design projects without junk in the way.
I knew that I needed a big change and if I didn’t make it before baby number two came I was going to get buried. My NewOver was the kickstart that I needed to move towards the life I’ve always wanted to live.”
Her passion for simplicity is inspiring. It feels like our home is easier to maintain. The projects we’ve had on the horizon suddenly feel like we could tackle tomorrow. The best part? It’s allowed us to travel more. We know where stuff is, we spend less time packing, more time planning, and more time out in the world. It’s amazing.”
Cassie helped me tackle the space by encouraging me to look at the larger picture and by identifying what I wanted to achieve by decluttering and simplifying. For me it was to have a calm, peaceful morning to set my goals before heading to my shop for the day. By focusing on the necessity of each item in my cupboards, drawers, and closet, we were able to eliminate excess and redundant items that cluttered my physical and mental space.
With Cassie’s guidance I was able to create a calm workspace environment that I look forward to each morning. She made the process easy and less daunting by taking things step by step. I absolutely recommend Cassie and the NewOver principles to anyone looking to create a better, more enjoyable environment in their home or workspace.”